
Mostrando las entradas de diciembre, 2022

Verbos superlativos y comparativos

  1.-My mother's phone is a Samsung Galaxy A30, it is less expensive than my sister's, which is an Iphone XR, both are used for the same thing but they murmur that iPhones are "better" only because iPhones have better social status. 2.- The television in my living room is better than the television in my parents' room since all the streaming platforms are in the living room, while it is not possible on the television in my parents' room. 3. My father's computer is an HP, it is very useful but it is very slow and he needs to have the internet connected, but my aunt's DELL computer has the same functions and is just as useful and cheaper. 4.- My cousin's PlayStation 5 is more expensive than my cousin's Xbox Series S, they serve the same purpose but the play is new and the xbox is from last year. 5.- Wireless headphones are better than wired headphones because you can move more easily without a cable getting in the way, even though wireless he